Statistics Seminar - 02/25/20

Feb 25 3:30 pm

Dr. Haifeng Wang, Mississippi State University


Computer-aided Cancer Diagnosis through Ensemble Learning and Deep Neural Network

Physical Location

Allen Hall 14

Abstract: Cancer is one of the leading causes of death around the world. It is estimated that about one out of four deaths in the United States is due to cancer. Cancer early detection plays a critical role in designating treatment strategies. With the development of biomedical technologies and information technologies, various prognostic factors related to cancers have been recorded, which enabled the potential to develop more sophisticated early detection models using data driven prediction methodologies. This talk will discuss two computer-aided cancer diagnosis works: 1) an ensemble machine learning model for breast cancer diagnosis on a public database released by National Cancer Institute; 2) a deep learning model for retinal disease diagnosis using medical image data. The presentation will focus on the machine learning model development based on the different practical large scale datasets.