Dr. Qian (Michelle) Zhou

Department / Division

  • Faculty-Statistics


  • Associate Professor of Statistics


Email: qz70@msstate.edu
Phone: 662-325-7160


  • Allen 454

Research Interests: model diagnosis, model selection, risk prediction, biomarker evaluation, survival analysis, and longitudinal data analysis.

Author Profile on Google Scholar

Author Profile on MathSciNet

Research Description

I'm interested in fundamental questions related to model misspecification. How do we provide powerful tests for checking misspecification in hypothesized models? How do we establish robust statistical procedures for estimating parameters of interest regardless of correct specification of working models? How can these methods accommodate complications involved in clinical and genetic studies? My research focuses on developing advanced statistical methods in survival analysis, longitudinal data analysis, risk prediction, and model diagnosis.

Degree: Ph.D. in Statistics, 2009, Department of Statistics and Actuarial ScienceUniversity of Waterloo

Curriculum Vitae: Dr. Zhou's CV

Link to Personal Web Page